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一. 背景

通过 Hexo 4.0 及 nexT 7.0 + 搭建个人博客后,当然不能就此停步,需要学习的东西还浩如烟海,本文将探索Hexo个人博客部署到个人服务器的过程。


  • 有一台服务器(硬件准备);
  • hexo 博客已经做好搭建工作,可以部署到 GitHub Pages 或 Coding 等(技术准备);
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# ITSMS Official 交通场景智能监控综合系统GUI设计与使用说明书

Intelligent Traffic Scene Monitoring System

@Copyright by: JoeyforJoy,WHU222huan,GanAHE

You can find more information and software update by visiting

一、 程序前端技术设计原理

(一) 设计模型

前端采用的框架为PyQt5,遵循GPL v3开源协议。
图1-1 MVC模型

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一、Mathpix snipping Tool


Mathpix snipping Tool 本质上为 OCR(Optical Character Recognition,光学字符识别)软件,将截取的图片转化成LaTeX的代码,通过特定的文本编辑器即可将代码还原成高清的矢量图片格式公式或是适应当前编辑器的公式格式。

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  • 1.来源:bilibili Up主:塔纳瓦隆灵魂大厅 的转载
  • 2.原标题:英国性教育科教短片:喝茶和啪啪啪 - Tea and Consent - Tee and Sex,视频链接在文章末尾。
  • 3.抄录与解读。
  • Script: rockstar dinosaur pirale princess;
  • Video: buleseatstudios.com;
  • Narrator: graham wheeler;
  • Animation: rachel brian


CONSENT:It’s simple as tea

if you’re still struggling with consent, just imaging instead of initiating sex.

You’re making them a cup of tea, you say:” Hey, would you like a cup of tea?” and they go:” Oh my god, I would love a cup of tea, thank you!” then you know they want a cup of tea.

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how can we take the derivative of a function by Python?

(1)Background And Introduction

How do you prove that the derivative of your function is correct?

You can’t know for sure if the derivative is correct by hand, but we can write a math library in Python to verify it


This is some mindmaps about how to derivative the function (by the way,the language of these images is Chinese):

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(1)Background and Application

We often need to draw a function image for our analysis in the learning and application of advanced mathematics, mathematical analysis and visualization and other scenarios. This can be easily achieved through Python3, which is much more portable and easy to use than MATLAB.


  • matplotlib
  • numpy

(3)General code

Demand analysis

We need a can in the function of the multiple function image is drawn with a picture at the same time, in order to show at the same time, contrast and analysis of law, so we first create the canvas, then according to the plot function is adopted to improve the rendering, according to the number of functions to achieve multiple functions at the same time drawing on the canvas, with design code is as follows:

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